Why Website Security is Important

Narender Yadav / September 29, 2015

Websites are unfortunately likely to suffer from to security risks like hacking and malware infection and so are any computers which access these websites.  If security protocols are not established properly, the internal network, websites or emails may get hacked!

Website Security

The History of Cyber Attacks

Cyber-attack targets Websites, computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, and personal computer devices by various means of malicious acts usually originating from an anonymous source that either steals, alters, or destroys a specified target by hacking into a susceptible system.

Example of Biggest Cyber Attacks In History

Flame – Also known as Skywiper and Flamer (2012)

July 2009 Cyber Attacks

Canadian Government Hacking (February 2011)

Paypal (December 2010)

Project Chanology (January 2008)

India (July 12, 2012)

Epsilon – One of the costliest cyber attacks in history (2011)

What is the reason most people don’t lock up their website?

  • Lack of awareness of the risks and consequences.
  • The belief amongst small business owners that they’re too small to be noticed by Hackers.

We recommend Sucuri for Website Security

Sucuri is a company that offers a security service that detects unauthorized changes to network (cloud) assets, including websites, DNS, Whois records, SSL certificates, and others. It is also heavily used as an early warning system to detect malware, spam and other security issues on websites and DNS hijacking.

Author Bio

Narender Yadav

Narender Yadav is the Chief Technology Officer for Dark Bears. He has several years of experience in working on high-performance networking and storage devices for different OEMs like HP, IBM/Lenovo, Dell/EMC, Cisco. He believes in "Fortune favours the brave" and is never afraid of taking risks worth taking in his professional and personal life to provide the finest services with best standards.

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