What Are The Highest Risks In The Mobile App Development Industry, And How To Avoid Them?

Whether you develop the application in-house or outsource it to an external development team, you have access to numerous advanced technologies that can help shape an application with the features you have always dreamed of. 

However, mobile app development comes with certain risks that we will discuss in this article.

1. Security issues

Many owners of mobile apps believe that they are safe and that there is no need to invest in protection, but the fact is that mobile apps (of all kinds) are vulnerable to hacker attacks, just like websites. 

Poor input validation, weak or no data encryption, insecure user authentication, and poor server security are great opportunities for malware that can steal sensitive data or block the operation of your application. 

When developing a mobile application, make sure that the appropriate security mechanism is integrated into it.

2. Choosing the wrong development partner

It would be ideal for developing a mobile app in-house. Still, unfortunately, this is not always possible for most startups and small businesses, which have to seek help from an external partner.

Hiring a third party to handle this important task on your behalf is a gamble unless you do extensive research beforehand and establish clear rules. You have to be very careful because, otherwise, the wrong partner can cost you time and money – a lot of money.

Establish clear rules (the sooner, the better) about design, features, UX and UI, payment when you consider work done, and so on. Find out more about the advantages, risks, and options of app development outsourcing so you can make an informed decision.

3. Reverse engineering threats

Everything that is coded can be subjected to reverse engineering, including mobile applications, but it is important to note that Android apps are significantly more vulnerable than iOS apps. 

Hackers often attack applications using the method of reverse engineering to reveal sensitive user data (often in applications that have in-app pay), change the source code, and discover weak points where they can attack.

To protect your application and reduce the risk of it being reverse-engineered, it is necessary to take all control and protection measures.

4. Building an app on a platform you cannot control

One of the most significant risks of the mobile app development industry is that you invest time and money in developing an app that you put on a platform you have no control over. 

Your efforts will be useless if Google decides to modify, restrict, or shut down the Google Play Store in the future (the same is true for Apple). 

There is nothing you can do about this risk; you can only hope for the best, just like the other 2.8 million mobile app owners.

5. Neglecting UX and UI

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are critical components in determining whether or not end-users will like your app. Users can navigate an application easily and comfortably thanks to good UI and UX, which also increases overall satisfaction.

To reconcile these two spectrums of service, try to balance the app’s design and features to increase its chances of ranking well among end-users.

6. Inadequate features

Clients frequently ask the developer to include as many features as possible in the app. One app enabling 100 operations is an intriguing concept that can appeal to end users. However, it has drawbacks since it loses reliability, consistency, and speed.

Developing an app with many features is conceivable, but it takes a lot of effort, money, and time. 

Keep the features end-users use the most and toss the others if you cannot pay for this service. After all, end users frequently utilize several features while ignoring others.

7. App lacks uniqueness

We can practically hear you asking, “How do you come up with something unique that no one else has? The mobile app industry is swamped with apps.” 

You’re right, you can’t invent hot water, but you have a competitive advantage: you can analyze all the existing apps in your niche, conclude what they lack, and offer an app with such features.

Avoid copying someone else’s ideas – nobody likes plagiarists, and users will always give their vote (and money) to the original rather than the copy.

8. Designing an app for different platforms at once

When you create a mobile app, there are two dominant marketplaces where you can offer it to end-users. 

According to Statista, the Google Play Store currently has around 2.8 million available apps, while Apple’s App Store follows with 2.2 million. If your budget allows, you can make two app versions and promote them on both platforms.

If your brand is established and strong, this will be achievable. However, if your business is small and you are just entering the market, the necessary funding for this move could be disastrous. You must also consider the app promotion’s cost and decide on priorities.

9. App cannot handle the traffic

There are two possible extreme scenarios: your mobile app will be loved by people and get hundreds of thousands of users “overnight,” or users will completely ignore it (which we discuss below). 

Although the first scenario sounds excellent, it can be an absolute disaster. If your app is not designed to handle a lot of traffic, it may crash and become unusable, angering end users, who will leave negative reviews and delete the app from their devices.

To avoid the problem of many dissatisfied users, automate the support system through a chatbot that will answer FAQs.

10. You made an app no one wants to use

Imagine the following scenario: the App Development Phase is finished, and the app is advertised, but no one wants to use it. It’s like a nightmare, isn’t it?

Mobile app development costs tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, so you cannot allow this outcome. 

When developing a mobile app, keep the end-users perspective in mind: their habits, needs, and desires. Once you understand the needs of the end users, you will easily present the application with the functionalities that are precisely what they need.

11. The assumption that there is no room for improvement

Developing a mobile application is a long journey, both for developers and the client who impatiently waits to see the realization of their idea. 

When the job is finally done, and your app is published. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is much more to do. 

For your app to operate successfully, you must pay attention to user reviews, make all the necessary changes, solve bugs and constantly improve it, and ensure the UX is flawless. Only in this way will you be sure that you have met the expectations of your end-users.


This article explains some of the most common challenges in mobile app development and ways to overcome them. 

Ignoring these risks can lead to unwanted consequences, such as app crashes, loss of user interest in your app, private data leaks, and many others.  

To minimize the mentioned risks, hire professional mobile app developers with experience in developing applications in your niche who will ensure that your app is perfectly safe and works flawlessly.


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